Roof Insurance Claim Assistance

A Tree Has Fallen on a Roof

Roof Insurance Claim Experts

When roof damage is extensive you’ll want to contact your insurance company and file a claim. This can be a complicated process but don’t worry. Rooftop Plus excels in helping with your roof insurance claim in Cape Coral, FL.

Whenever you find yourself in a situation in which you need roof damage claim help, you can always count on our expertise. We make certain policyholders get the full benefit of their claim so they can get the repairs they need. If you have a roof storm damage claim or any other claim that you need help with all you need to do is give us a call at 239-744-2976. We make your property and your claim our priority.

How We Help With Your Claims

When it comes to roof damage insurance claim help in Cape Coral, FL, Rooftop Plus works on the policyholder’s behalf. Whatever sort of damage your roof has from leaks to wind damage, we can help you benefit from your claim. Before filing a roof damage claim you want to make sure you get your roof inspected by a professional. With more than 30 years of experience in Southwest Florida–including weathering several hurricanes–we understand roofing problems common to the area. Our licensed roof inspectors are some of the most skilled available. They will thoroughly inspect your roof and provide you with a detailed document you can file with your claim.

We will even help you when your adjuster comes out to verify your claim. If you give us a call at 239-744-2976 and we can meet with your adjuster to explain and verify the damages.

Most people need our help with roof storm damage claims, which can prove tricky if not handled in the right way. Many times claims adjusters might not understand the extent of damage a storm can cause. Such damage often remains hidden for months unless it is checked out by our professionals.

Call Us Today

When you need help with your roof damage insurance claim in Cape Coral, FL, make sure to rely on the trusted professionals at Rooftop Plus. Call us today at 239-744-2976 and book an inspection.